File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
- dir include
- dir uipc
- file core.h
- file geometry.h
- dir backend
- file buffer_view.h
- file engine_create_info.h
- dir visitors
- file animator_visitor.h
- file contact_tabular_visitor.h
- file diff_sim_visitor.h
- file geometry_visitor.h
- file sanity_check_message_visitor.h
- file scene_visitor.h
- file world_visitor.h
- file macro.h
- file module_init_info.h
- file type_define.h
- dir builtin
- file attribute_name.h
- file constitution_type.h
- file constitution_uid_auto_register.h
- file constitution_uid_collection.h
- file geometry_type.h
- file implicit_geometry_uid_auto_register.h
- file implicit_geometry_uid_collection.h
- dir details
- file attribute_name.h This file records all the built-in attribute names in the libuipc specification.
- file uid_info.h
- file uid_register.h
- dir common
- file allocator.h
- file buffer_info.h
- file config.h
- file dllexport.h
- file enumerate.h
- file exception.h
- file fmt_eigen.h
- file format.h
- dir algorithm
- file run_length_encode.h
- file json.h
- file json_eigen.h
- file list.h
- file log.h
- file log_pattern_guard.h
- file macro.h
- file map.h
- file range.h
- file readable_type_name.h
- file set.h
- file smart_pointer.h
- file span.h
- file stack.h
- file string.h
- file timer.h
- file type_define.h
- file type_traits.h
- file uipc.h
- file unit.h
- file unordered_map.h
- file vector.h
- file zip.h
- dir constitution
- file affine_body_constitution.h
- file arap.h
- file baraff_witkin_shell.h
- file constitution.h
- file constraint.h
- file conversion.h
- file discrete_shell_bending.h
- file elastic_moduli.h
- file empty.h
- file finite_element_constitution.h
- file finite_element_extra_constitution.h
- file hookean_spring.h
- file kirchhoff_rod_bending.h
- file neo_hookean_shell.h
- file particle.h
- file soft_position_constraint.h
- file soft_transform_constraint.h
- file stable_neo_hookean.h
- dir core
- file animation.h
- file animator.h
- file constitution_tabular.h
- file contact_element.h
- file contact_model.h
- file contact_model_collection.h
- file contact_tabular.h
- file diff_sim.h
- file engine.h
- file engine_status.h
- file i_engine.h
- file i_sanity_checker.h
- file object.h
- file object_collection.h
- file sanity_checker.h
- file scene.h
- file world.h
- dir diff_sim
- file parameter.h
- file parameter_collection.h
- file sparse_coo_view.h
- dir geometry
- file abstract_simplicial_complex.h
- file attribute.h
- file attribute_collection.h
- file attribute_copy.h
- file attribute_friend.h
- file attribute_slot.h
- file geometry.h
- file geometry_collection.h
- file geometry_friend.h
- file geometry_slot.h
- file implicit_geometry.h
- file implicit_geometry_slot.h
- dir utils
- file apply_region.h
- file apply_transform.h
- file bvh.h
- file closure.h
- file compute_instance_volume.h
- file compute_vertex_volume.h
- file distance.h
- file extract_surface.h
- file factory.h
- file flip_inward_triangles.h
- dir affine_body
- file compute_body_force.h
- file compute_dyadic_mass.h
- file intersection.h
- file is_trimesh_closed.h
- file label_connected_vertices.h
- file label_region.h
- file label_surface.h
- file label_triangle_orient.h
- file merge.h
- file mesh_partition.h
- file octree.h
- file optimal_transform.h
- file simplex_utils.h
- file tetrahedralize.h
- file simplicial_complex.h
- file simplicial_complex_attributes.h
- file simplicial_complex_slot.h
- file utils.h
- dir io
- file attribute_io.h
- file gltf_io.h
- file scene_io.h
- file simplicial_complex_io.h
- file spread_sheet_io.h
- file io.h
- file uipc.h
- dir uipc_gui
- dir common
- file platform_handle.h
- dir common
- dir uipc