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File intersection.h

File List > geometry > utils > intersection.h

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#pragma once
#include <uipc/common/dllexport.h>
#include <uipc/common/type_define.h>

namespace uipc::geometry
UIPC_GEOMETRY_API bool tri_edge_intersect(const Vector3& T0,
                                          const Vector3& T1,
                                          const Vector3& T2,
                                          const Vector3& E0,
                                          const Vector3& E1,
                                          bool&          coplanar,
                                          Vector3&       uvw_in_tri,
                                          Vector2&       uv_in_edge);

UIPC_GEOMETRY_API bool is_point_in_tet(const Vector3& T0,
                                       const Vector3& T1,
                                       const Vector3& T2,
                                       const Vector3& T3,
                                       const Vector3& P,
                                       Vector4& tuvw_in_tet  // the barycentric coordinates of the intersection point in the tet
}  // namespace uipc::geometry