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File sparse_coo_view.h

File List > diff_sim > sparse_coo_view.h

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#pragma once
#include <uipc/common/dllexport.h>
#include <uipc/common/type_define.h>
#include <uipc/common/span.h>
#include <Eigen/Sparse>
namespace uipc::diff_sim
class UIPC_CORE_API SparseCOOView
    SparseCOOView() = default;

    SparseCOOView(span<const IndexT> row_indices,
                  span<const IndexT> col_indices,
                  span<const Float>  values,
                  Vector2i           shape);

    span<const IndexT> row_indices() const;
    span<const IndexT> col_indices() const;
    span<const Float>  values() const;
    Vector2i           shape() const;

    Matrix<Float, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> to_dense() const;
    Eigen::SparseMatrix<Float>                    to_sparse() const;

    span<const IndexT> m_row_indices;
    span<const IndexT> m_col_indices;
    span<const Float>  m_values;
    Vector2i           m_shape;
}  // namespace uipc::diff_sim