File timer.h
Go to the documentation of this file
#pragma once
#include <chrono>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <uipc/common/vector.h>
#include <uipc/common/smart_pointer.h>
#include <uipc/common/stack.h>
#include <uipc/common/string.h>
#include <uipc/common/list.h>
#include <uipc/common/string.h>
#include <uipc/common/json.h>
#include <uipc/common/dllexport.h>
#include <uipc/common/unordered_map.h>
#include <uipc/common/set.h>
#include <uipc/common/string.h>
#include <functional>
namespace uipc
class GlobalTimer;
class Timer;
} // namespace uipc
namespace uipc::details
class UIPC_CORE_API ScopedTimer
using TimePoint = std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::high_resolution_clock>;
using Duration = std::chrono::duration<double>;
friend class uipc::GlobalTimer;
friend class uipc::Timer;
string name;
string full_name;
TimePoint start;
TimePoint end;
Duration duration;
list<ScopedTimer*> children;
ScopedTimer* parent = nullptr;
size_t depth = 0;
ScopedTimer(std::string_view name)
: name(name)
, duration(0)
void tick();
void tock();
double elapsed() const;
void traverse(Json& j);
void setup_full_name();
~ScopedTimer() = default;
} // namespace uipc::details
namespace uipc
class UIPC_CORE_API Timer
Timer(std::string_view blockName, bool force_on = false);
double elapsed() const;
static void disable_all() { m_global_on = false; }
static void enable_all() { m_global_on = true; }
static void set_sync_func(std::function<void()> sync) { m_sync = sync; }
static void report(std::ostream& o = std::cout);
static Json report_as_json();
void sync() const;
details::ScopedTimer* m_timer = nullptr;
bool m_force_on;
static bool m_global_on;
static std::function<void()> m_sync;
class UIPC_CORE_API GlobalTimer
using STimer = details::ScopedTimer;
stack<STimer*> m_timer_stack;
STimer* m_root;
friend class ScopedTimer;
list<U<STimer>> m_timers;
friend class Timer;
STimer& push_timer(std::string_view);
STimer& pop_timer();
static GlobalTimer default_instance;
static GlobalTimer* m_current;
void _print_timings(std::ostream& o, const STimer* timer, int depth);
size_t max_full_name_length() const;
size_t max_depth() const;
struct MergeResult
string name;
string parent_full_name;
string parent_name;
double duration = 0.0;
size_t count = 0;
std::list<MergeResult*> children;
size_t depth = 0;
unordered_map<string, U<MergeResult>> m_merge_timers;
MergeResult* m_merge_root = nullptr;
void merge_timers();
void _print_merged_timings(std::ostream& o,
const MergeResult* timer,
size_t max_name_length,
size_t max_depth);
void _traverse_merge_timers(Json& j, const MergeResult* timer);
GlobalTimer(std::string_view name = "GlobalTimer");
// delete copy_from
GlobalTimer(const GlobalTimer&) = delete;
GlobalTimer& operator=(const GlobalTimer&) = delete;
void set_as_current();
static GlobalTimer* current();
Json report_as_json();
Json report_merged_as_json();
void print_timings(std::ostream& o = std::cout);
void print_merged_timings(std::ostream& o = std::cout);
void clear();
} // namespace uipc