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Build on Linux


The following dependencies are required to build the project.

Name Version Usage Import
CMake >=3.26 build system system install
Python >=3.10 build system system install
Cuda >=12.2 GPU programming system install
Vcpkg >=2024.04.26 package manager git clone

Install Vcpkg

If you haven't installed Vcpkg, you can clone the repository with the following command:

git clone
cd vcpkg
The simplest way to let CMake detect Vcpkg is to set the system environment variable CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE to (YOUR_VCPKG_PARENT_FOLDER)/vcpkg/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake

Conda Environment

We recommend using conda environments to build the project on Linux.

conda create -n uipc_env python=3.10
conda activate uipc_env
conda install cmake=3.26
conda install nvidia/label/cuda-12.4.0::cuda-toolkit

Cuda-12.4.0 requires driver version >= 550.54.14 (, check your nvidia driver version with the following command


Other Environment

If you don't want to use conda, you can manually install CMake 3.26, GCC 11.4, Cuda 12.4 and Python >=3.10 with your favorite package manager.

Build Libuipc

Clone the repository with the following command:

git clone

Build the project with the following commands.

cd libuipc; cd ..; mkdir CMakeBuild; cd CMakeBuild
cmake -S ../libuipc -DUIPC_BUILD_PYBIND=1 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=<Release/RelWithDebInfo> 
cmake --build . -j8


Use multi-thread to speed up the build process as possible, becasue the NVCC compiler will take a lot of time.

Run Project

The excutable files are in the CMakeBuild/<Release/RelWithDebInfo>/bin folder.

cd CMakeBuild/<Release/RelWithDebInfo>/bin

Install Pyuipc

With UIPC_BUILD_PYBIND option set to ON, the Python binding will be built and installed in the specified Python environment.

If some errors occur during the installation, you can try to manually install the Python binding.

cd CMakeBuild/python
pip install .

Check Installation

You can run the to check if the Pyuipc is installed correctly.

cd libuipc/python

More samples are at Pyuipc Samples.