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Prequsites: Geometry, Concepts

Simulation without interaction is boring! So comes the animation!

Animation in libuipc gives such a way to specify the translation, rotation, deformation and even anything of a geometry over time.

An Animation can be a pre-designed offline animation, or a real-time input from user interaction.

In this tutorial, we will go through the basic usage of Animation in libuipc.

Walking Cube

In this section, we will animate a cube rotating around its own x-axis, and so it can walk on the ground with the help of friction force.

Here we assume you have already defined the engine, world, scene and loaded the cube geometry with the name cube_mesh. Of course, don't forget label_surface and label_triangle_orient for the cube mesh, which is necessary to tell libuipc where the surface is and to export correct oriented surface mesh.

Though friction is default enabled in libuipc, it's good to know how to turn on/off the friction explicitly.

auto config = Scene::default_config();
config['contact']['friction']['enable'] = true;
auto scene = Scene(config);
config = Scene.default_config()
config['contact']['friction']['enable'] = True
scene = Scene(config)

Then we need to define the constitution and constraint for the cube.


AffineBodyConstitution abd;
RotatingMotor          rm;

// create object
auto cube_object = scene.objects().create("cube");
    // apply the constitution and constraint
    abd.apply_to(cube_mesh, 10.0_MPa);
        100.0, // constraint strength ratio
        Vector3::UnitX(), // rotation axis
        std::numbers::pi / 1.0_s // rotation speed

    // move the cube up by 2 units
    auto trans_view = view(cube_mesh.transforms());
        Transform t = Transform::Identity();
        t.translate(Vector3::UnitY() * 2);
        trans_view[0] = t.matrix();


auto ground_obj = scene.objects().create("ground");
    auto g = ground();

abd = AffineBodyConstitution()
rm = RotatingMotor()

# create object
cube_object = scene.objects().create('cube')

# apply the constitution and constraint
abd.apply_to(cube_mesh, 10.0 * MPa)
    100.0, # constraint strength ratio
    Vector3.UnitX(), # rotation axis
    np.pi / 1.0 # rotation speed

# move the cube up by 2 units
trans_view = view(cube_mesh.transforms())
t = Transform.Identity()
t.translate(Vector3.UnitY() * 2)
trans_view[0] = t.matrix()


ground_obj = scene.objects().create('ground')
g = ground()

As same as the constitutions, we first define the constraint we need for the cube. Here we use RotatingMotor to rotate the cube around certain axis with certain speed.

By calling apply_to method of RotatingMotor, we apply the constraint to the cube mesh, and set a default rotation axis \((1,0,0)\) and rotation speed \(\pi\) rad/s. The strength of the constraint is set to 100.0, which means the stiffness of the constraint is 100 times of the mass of the cube.

Then we move the cube up by 2 units, preventing the cube intersecting with the ground.

Finally, we create the ground.

Ok, it's time to animate the cube!

Animation in libuipc is logically a script that define the behavior of the geometry over time. So it's intuitive to give a function to the Animation object, which will be called every frame.

auto& animator = scene.animator();
    [](Animation::UpdateInfo& info) // animation function
        // get all geometries attached to the object
        auto geo_slots = info.geo_slots();
        auto geo = geo_slots[0]->geometry().as<SimplicialComplex>();

        // by setting is_constrained to 1, the cube will be controlled by the animation
        auto is_constrained =
        auto is_constrained_view = view(*is_constrained);
        is_constrained_view[0]   = 1;

        // using the RotatingMotor to animate the cube
        RotatingMotor::animate(*geo, info.dt());
animator = scene.animator()

def animate_cube(info:Animation.UpdateInfo): # animation function
    # get all geometries attached to the object
    geo_slots:list[GeometrySlot] = info.geo_slots()
    geo:SimplicialComplex = geo_slots[0].geometry()

    # by setting is_constrained to 1, the cube will be controlled by the animation
    is_constrained = geo.instances().find(builtin.is_constrained)
    view(is_constrained)[0] = 1

    # using the RotatingMotor to animate the cube
    RotatingMotor.animate(geo, info.dt())

animator.insert(cube_object, animate_cube)

The animator.insert() takes an object instance and a function as input. The first argument tells libuipc which geometries need to be animated. The second argument is a function that will be called in each frame to update the geometry.

geo_slots are the geometries attached to the object with the creating order. Note that, we use the term slot to represent a position or a place holder not the geometry itself. The geometry reference can be retrieved by calling geometry() on the slot.

When apply a constraint to a geometry, a builtin attribute called is_constrained will be created on the geometry, which tells some the element is controlled by the constraint. In this example, the element is one instance of the cube mesh (or rigorously, the transform of the cube mesh). We set the is_constrained of the first instance (the only one we have) to 1 to tell the RotatingMotor to control the cube.

Finally, we call RotatingMotor::animate() to update the geometry according to axis and speed we set before. Note that, the axis and speed can be changed in the animation function, so the cube can rotate around different axis or with different speed at different time. By setting the motor_rot_axis and motor_rot_vel attributes of the instance.

Now, run the simulation, you will see the cube rotating around its x-axis.

SceneIO sio{scene};
sio.write_surface(fmt::format("scene_surface{}.obj", world.frame()));

while(world.frame() < 360)
    sio.write_surface(fmt::format("scene_surface{}.obj", world.frame()));
sio = SceneIO(scene)
while world.frame() < 360:

Voila! The cube is walking on the ground!

Libuipc also provide LinearMotor for you to control the translation of an affine body by specifying the translation axis and speed.

When you ask the name of them:

RotatingMotor rm;; // SoftTransformConstraint
LinearMotor lm;; // SoftTransformConstraint
rm = RotatingMotor() # SoftTransformConstraint
lm = LinearMotor() # SoftTransformConstraint

They are both SoftTransformConstraint. Because, LinearMotor and RotatingMotor are just special cases of SoftTransformConstraint.

SoftTransformConstraint is a general constraint that can be used to fully control the transformation of a geometry, which may require some mathematical knowledge of transformation matrix. For smooth start, we will not go into the details of SoftTransformConstraint here. This topic will be covered in advanced tutorials.

source: [TODO]

source: walking_cube

Periodically Pressed Tetrahedron

Say, you want to animate some part of a soft body and leave the other part free (obeying the physics). Libuipc provides a SoftPositionConstraint for this purpose. The usage of SoftPositionConstraint is similar to the constratints we have seen before, the only difference is that SoftPositionConstraint applying to a soft body's vertex position rather than an affine body's instance transformation.

Here we assume you have already defined the engine, world, scene. In this example, we use the StableNeoHookean constitution to simulate the soft body.

StableNeoHookean snh;
SoftPositionConstraint spc;
auto tet_object = scene.objects().create("tet_object");
    vector<Vector3> Vs = {Vector3{0, 1, 0},
                          Vector3{0, 0, 1},
                          Vector3{-std::sqrt(3) / 2, 0, -0.5},
                          Vector3{std::sqrt(3) / 2, 0, -0.5}};
    vector<Vector4i> Ts = {Vector4i{0, 1, 2, 3}};
    auto tet = tetmesh(Vs, Ts);
    auto moduli = ElasticModuli::youngs_poisson(0.1_MPa, 0.49);
    snh.apply_to(tet, moduli);
    spc.apply_to(tet, 100); // constraint strength ratio

auto ground_object = scene.objects().create("ground");
    auto g = ground(-0.5);
snh = StableNeoHookean()
spc = SoftPositionConstraint()
tet_object = scene.objects().create('tet_object')
Vs = np.array([[0,1,0],
               [-np.sqrt(3)/2, 0, -0.5],
               [np.sqrt(3)/2, 0, -0.5]])
Ts = np.array([[0,1,2,3]])
tet = tetmesh(Vs, Ts)
moduli = ElasticModuli.youngs_poisson(0.1 * MPa, 0.49)
snh.apply_to(tet, moduli)
spc.apply_to(tet, 100) # constraint strength ratio

ground_object = scene.objects().create('ground')
g = ground(-0.5)

Nothing special here, we just create a tetrahedron and apply the StableNeoHookean constitution and SoftPositionConstraint to it as we did before, the ground height is set to -0.5. Now we try to animate the first vertex of the tetrahedron with a sin function.

auto& animator = scene.animator();
    [](Animation::UpdateInfo& info) // animation function
        auto geo_slots = info.geo_slots();
        auto geo = geo_slots[0]->geometry().as<SimplicialComplex>();
        auto rest_geo_slots = info.rest_geo_slots();
        auto rest_geo = rest_geo_slots[0]->geometry().as<SimplicialComplex>();

        auto is_constrained = geo->vertices().find<IndexT>(builtin::is_constrained);
        auto is_constrained_view = view(*is_constrained);
        auto aim_position = geo->vertices().find<Vector3>(builtin::aim_position);
        auto aim_position_view = view(*aim_position);
        auto rest_position_view = rest_geo->positions().view();

        is_constrained_view[0]   = 1;

        auto t = info.dt() * info.frame();
        auto theta = std::numbers::pi * t;
        auto y = -std::sin(theta);

        aim_position_view[0] = rest_position_view[0] + Vector3::UnitY() * y;
animator = scene.animator()
def animate_tet(info:Animation.UpdateInfo): # animation function
    geo_slots:list[GeometrySlot] = info.geo_slots()
    geo:SimplicialComplex = geo_slots[0].geometry()
    rest_geo_slots:list[GeometrySlot] = info.rest_geo_slots()
    rest_geo:SimplicialComplex = rest_geo_slots[0].geometry()

    is_constrained = geo.vertices().find(builtin.is_constrained)
    is_constrained_view = view(is_constrained)
    aim_position = geo.vertices().find(builtin.aim_position)
    aim_position_view = view(aim_position)
    rest_position_view = rest_geo.positions().view()

    is_constrained_view[0] = 1

    t = info.dt() * info.frame()
    theta = np.pi * t
    y = -np.sin(theta)

    aim_position_view[0] = rest_position_view[0] + Vector3.UnitY() * y

animator.insert(tet_object, animate_tet)

Something new here is the info.rest_geo_slots(), which returns the slots of the rest geometry (initial geometry) in the object. We use the rest geometry to get the initial position of the vertex we want to animate. With the initial position and a periodic function, we can setup the aim_position of the vertex to animate it.

Here we go!

source: [TODO]