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Here is an illustration of almost all the concepts and their relationship in libuipc. It might look a little bit complicated, but don't worry, we will explain it step by step.


As we can see, there are 3 top-most concepts in libuipc, they are:

  • Engine
  • World
  • Scene

Conceptually, World is something interests us. Engine is the heart of the simulation, which drives the World evolution. Scene is a snapshot of the World at a certain time point, and contains all information we needed to drive the simulation.

From the aspect of 'programming', Engine is some simulation algorithms running on some computing devices, it can be ipc-on-cuda, ipc-on-tbb or even any-method-on-any-device, which is called the backend of libuipc. World is an interface exploiting the life-cycle of the simulation, you can init() it, advance() the simulation by one step, retrieve() the simulation data back and so on. Scene is a data structure that contains the 'current state' and the 'initial state' of the world, which is all the information we need to simulate the world.


Scene in libuipc is a whole set of entities we need to simulate the world.

There are 5 main parts in a scene:

Term Description
Objects Objects are some concrete entities, such as a T-shirt, a box, etc. They may can be described by a set of geometries. For example, a T-shirt may have several pieces of cloth, producted by different materials (constitutions) and have different contact behaviors (contact models).
Geometries Geometries are all the basic geometries that are used to build objects in the scene. The ownership of the geometries is kept by the scene.
Constitution Tabular Constitution Tabular is a collection of all the constitutions that are used in the scene. A constitution is a set of properties that define the physics behavior of the object. For example, a famous constitution is the Neo-Hookean model, which is used to simulate the deformation of rubber-like materials.
Contact Tabular Contact Tabular is a collection of all the contact models that are used in the scene. A contact model is a set of properties that define the contact behavior of the object. Typically, the properties include the friction coefficient, the restitution coefficient, etc.
Animator Animator is a collection of all the animations that are used in the scene. An animation is a script that defines the motion of the object.

The interfaces of Engine, World, Scene, Object are defined in the uipc::core namespace.

using namespace uipc::core;

The interfaces of Engine, World, Scene, Object are defined in the pyuipc.core module.

from pyuipc.core import *

Here is a simple example to create a scene:

First, we declare a scene.

Scene scene;
scene = Scene()

Then, we need to create a constitution for the object. Here we use the AffineBodyConstitution as an example, AffineBodyConstitution is a simple constitution that can be used to approximate the behavior of a rigid body.

We need to create a constitution for the object. Here we use the AffineBodyConstitution as an example, AffineBodyConstitution is a simple constitution that can be used to approximate the behavior of a rigid body.

auto& constitution_tabular = scene.constitution_tabular();
// create a constitution
constitution::AffineBodyConstitution abd;
// optional, libuipc will do this automatically under default configuration
// create a material with affine body stiffness 100 MPa
auto abd_material = abd.create_material(100.0_MPa);
constitution_tabular = scene.constitution_tabular()
# create a constitution
abd = constitution.AffineBodyConstitution()
# optional, libuipc will do this automatically under default configuration
# create a material with affine body stiffness 100 MPa
abd_material = abd.create_material(100 * MPa)

To simulate the contact behavior of the object, we need to create a contact model. Note that the contact model has a pairwised relationship. For example, a contact tabular among wood, steel, and rubber can be defined as follows (imaginary values, just for demonstration):

fric wood steel rubber
wood 0.5 0.3 0.6
steel - 0.2 0.4
rubber - - 0.7
auto& contact_tabular = scene.contact_tabular();
// create a contact element
auto& wood_contact = contact_tabular.create("wood");
// create self-contact model
// friction coefficient is 0.5, restitution coefficient is 1.0 GPa
contact_tabular.insert(wood_contact, wood_contact, 0.5, 1.0_GPa);
contact_tabular = scene.contact_tabular()
# create a contact element
wood_contact = contact_tabular.create("wood")
# create self-contact model
# friction coefficient is 0.5, restitution coefficient is 1.0 GPa
contact_tabular.insert(wood_contact, wood_contact, 0.5, 1.0 * GPa)

Now we can create a wooden cube object in the scene.

// read a cube mesh from file
geometry::SimplicialComplexIO io;
auto cube ="cube.msh");

// apply the material and the contact model to the cube

// create an object
auto wooden_cube = scene.objects().create("wooden_cube");

// create a geometry for the object
# read a cube mesh from file
io = geometry.SimplicialComplexIO()
cube ="cube.msh")

# apply the material and the contact model to the cube

# create an object
wooden_cube = scene.objects().create("wooden_cube")

# create a geometry for the object

A short summary of creating a scene:

  1. setup the constitution tabular
  2. setup the contact tabular
  3. apply constitutions and contact elements to the geometries
  4. create objects


Object in libuipc is a representation of the concrete entity in real world. It is something that touchable, visible, and can be interacted with. An object can be composed of one or more geometries, and each geometry can have its own constitution and contact model.

Though a geometry share the same constitution and contact model, the coefficients of the constitution and the contact model can be different in the geometry. Some random perturbation can be added to the related attributes of the geometry to simulate the real world.


The coefficients of the constitution and the contact model can be stored in the attributes of the geometry. The backend can retrieve the coefficients from the attributes and simulate them properly.


Constitution is a set of coefficients and models that define the physics behavior of the object. Because there are so many different constitutions so far, we use a Consititution UID to identify all the constitutions libuipc supports. The specification of the constitutions can be found here.

For coding convenience, we provide some class like AffineBodyConstitution to help the user create a constitution.


A constraint is a set of coefficients and models that define the constrained behavior of the object. For example, a transform constraint on affine body can force the affine body to move along certain trajectory specified by users. Constraint is always coupling with the animation (see Animator) to control the movement of the object.


Material is an instance of a constitution. A material has a concrete set of coefficients that define the physics behavior of the object. And it may be a short cut to apply the coefficients to the geometry.

Contact Model

Contact model is a set of coefficients and models that define the contact behavior of the object. The contact model is a pairwised relationship, which means the contact model between two objects is different from the contact model between another two objects.

Contact Element

A contact element is one side of the pairwised contact model, which has no meaning itself. The contact element IDs of two collided objects are used to find the contact model coefficients between them.; // 1 # 1

Note that, wood_contact element id is 1, because there is a default contact element with id 0. The default contact model will be a fallback when the contact model between two objects is not defined.

[Discussion] Do we need to provide a ContactModelUID to identify the contact model? Because in GIPC we have new contact model based on an anisotropic constitutions.


Animator contains a set of scripted animation that define the behavior of the object, such as the rotation, translation, per-vertex deformation and so on.

auto& animator = scene.animator();
animator = scene.animator()

To create an animation, we need following codes:

// create an animation
    [](Animation::UpdateInfo& info)
        auto geo_slots = info.geo_slots();
        for(auto& slot : geo_slots)
            auto& geo = slot->geometry().as<SimplicialComplex>();
# create an animation
def update(info:Animation.UpdateInfo):
    geo_slots = info.geo_slots()
    for slot in geo_slots:
        geo:SimplicialComplex = slot.geometry()

animator.insert(obj, update)

The animator.insert() takes an object instance and a function as input. The first argument tells libuipc which geometries need to be animated. The second argument is a function that will be called in each frame to update the geometry.

geo_slots are the geometries bound to the object with the creating order. Note that, we use the term slot to represent a position or a place holder not the geometry itself. The geometry reference can be retrieved by calling geometry() on the slot.

The way you modifying the animated geometries are dependent on the constraint you use.

For example:

  • If you use a SoftTransformConstraint on affine bodies, you can set the is_constrained attribute of the instances to 1 to enable the constraint on certain instances, and modify the aim_transform attribute of the instances to control the transform of the instances.
  • If you use a SoftPositionConstraint on soft bodies, you can set the is_constrained attribute of the vertices to 1 to enable the constraint on certain vertices, and modify the aim_position attribute of the vertices to control the position of the vertices.

There will be a lot of other constraints provided in the future, and the way you modify the animated geometries will be different, please refer to the document of those constraints for more details.

A concrete tutorial of how to create an animation can be found here, Animation Tutorial.